General information
ALI's army
Suladân The Serpent Lord
Mordor , Serpent Horde [44 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 23 Quartered (25% survivors) : 11
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit Mordor7/4018%

Serpent Horde 1 Suladân The Serpent Lord Armoured horse 115
Mordor 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:15 F:3) The Crown of Morgul , Fell Beast 200
Mordor 1 Warg Rider 11
Mordor 2 Orc Tracker 5
Mordor 6 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor 6 Morannon Orc Spear 8
Mordor 1 The Mouth Of Sauron Armoured horse 85
Mordor 2 Orc Tracker 5
Mordor 1 Warg Rider 11
Mordor 4 Morannon Orc Shield , Spear 9
Mordor 1 Morannon Orc Spear 8
Mordor 5 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor 1 Ringwraith (M:2 W:8 F:1) Horse 85
Mordor 4 Morannon Orc Shield 8
Mordor 4 Orc Warrior Spear 6
Mordor 3 Orc Tracker 5
Mordor 1 Warg Rider 11
General information
Ar-Mandô's army
Muzgúr, Orc Shaman
Assault on Lothlórien [60 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 31 Quartered (25% survivors) : 15
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Assault on Lothlórien19/5535%

Assault on Lothlórien 1 Muzgúr, Orc Shaman 70
Assault on Lothlórien 4 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Assault on Lothlórien 3 Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Assault on Lothlórien 1 Orc Warrior Pioche, Banner , Shield 31
Assault on Lothlórien 4 Warg Rider Throwing spears 12
Assault on Lothlórien 2 Orc Tracker 5
Assault on Lothlórien 1 Orc Captain Pioche, Warg 50
Assault on Lothlórien 3 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Assault on Lothlórien 3 Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Assault on Lothlórien 3 Warg Rider Throwing spears 12
Assault on Lothlórien 2 Orc Tracker 5
Assault on Lothlórien 1 Drûzhag The Beastcaller 90
Assault on Lothlórien 2 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Assault on Lothlórien 2 Moria Goblin Warrior Orc Bow 5
Assault on Lothlórien 6 Moria Goblin Warrior Orc Bow , Spear 6
Assault on Lothlórien 3 Moria Goblin Prowler 7
Assault on Lothlórien 1 Bat Swarm 35
Assault on Lothlórien 1 Giant Spider 20
Assault on Lothlórien 1 Moria Goblin Shaman 45
Assault on Lothlórien 2 Moria Goblin Warrior Shield 5
Assault on Lothlórien 2 Moria Goblin Warrior Orc Bow 5
Assault on Lothlórien 5 Moria Goblin Warrior Orc Bow , Spear 6
Assault on Lothlórien 3 Moria Goblin Prowler 7
Assault on Lothlórien 1 Wild Warg Chieftain 80
Assault on Lothlórien 1 Bat Swarm 35
Assault on Lothlórien 2 Wild Warg 7
General information
Charby's army
Lothlórien , Rohan [38 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 20 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Lothlórien6/1736%
Bow limit Rohan1/167%

Lothlórien 1 Galadriel 130
Lothlórien 8 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
Lothlórien 1 Wood Elf Sentinel 25
Lothlórien 3 Wood Elf Warrior Elf Bow 10
Lothlórien 2 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 2 Galadhrim Warrior Elf Bow , Spear 12
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Rohan 1 Dernhelm 75
Rohan 0 Dernhelm - Éowyn, Shield Maiden Of Rohan
Rohan 1 Dernhelm - Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight Of The Mark 0
Rohan 1 Rohan Royal Guard Horse 15
Rohan 1 Théodred, Heir Of Rohan Horse 90
Rohan 2 Rohan Royal Guard Horse 15
Rohan 1 Elfhelm, Captain Of Rohan 65
Rohan 1 Rohan Outrider 8
Rohan 1 Gamling, Captain Of Rohan 55
Rohan 7 Rohan Royal Guard 10
Rohan 1 Rohan Royal Guard Banner 35
Rohan 3 Warrior Of Rohan Hache, Shield 7
General information
Dagoge's army
The Witch-King Of Angmar
Angmar [42 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 22 Quartered (25% survivors) : 10
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Angmar0/380%

Angmar 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:14 F:3) Horse , The Crown of Morgul 155
Angmar 4 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Angmar 4 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Angmar 1 Dead Marsh Spectre 15
Angmar 1 Gûlavhar, The Terror Of Arnor 200
Angmar 3 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Angmar 4 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Warrior Two-handed weapon 6
Angmar 1 Dead Marsh Spectre 15
Angmar 1 Angmar Warg Rider Shield 12
Angmar 1 Shadow (Version before RiseOfAngmar) 100
Angmar 3 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Angmar 4 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Warrior Two-handed weapon 6
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Banner , Shield , Spear 32
Angmar 1 Angmar Warg Rider Shield 12
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Captain Pioche, Shield , Warg 55
Angmar 3 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Angmar 4 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Warrior Two-handed weapon 6
Angmar 1 Angmar Warg Rider Shield 12
General information
Gùndar (Kevin)'s army
Isengard [46 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 24 Quartered (25% survivors) : 11
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Isengard4/4210%

Isengard 1 Saruman Horse 190
Isengard 4 Uruk-Hai Warrior Shield 10
Isengard 5 Uruk-Hai Warrior Pike 10
Isengard 1 Uruk-Hai Warrior Banner 34
Isengard 2 Crebain 20
Isengard 4 Uruk-Hai Warrior Crossbow 11
Isengard 1 Gríma Wormtongue 25
Isengard 1 Lurtz Shield 90
Isengard 4 Uruk-Hai Warrior Shield 10
Isengard 4 Uruk-Hai Warrior Pike 10
Isengard 3 Uruk-Hai Scout Shield 9
Isengard 4 Orc Warrior Spear 6
Isengard 1 Gorûlf Ironskin 70
Isengard 2 Uruk-Hai Warrior Shield 10
Isengard 3 Uruk-Hai Warrior Pike 10
Isengard 3 Orc Warrior Shield 6
Isengard 3 Orc Warrior Spear 6
General information
Iradeus's army
Gundabad Orc Captain
Azog's Hunters , Azog's Legion [57 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 29 Quartered (25% survivors) : 14
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Azog's Hunters16/3349%
Bow limit Azog's Legion0/190%

Azog's Hunters 1 Fimbul The Hunter Fell Warg 60
Azog's Hunters 6 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Fell Warg 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Narzug 50
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Yazneg Lance , Fell Warg 60
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Fell Warg 8
Azog's Legion 1 Gundabad Orc Captain Shield 55
Azog's Legion 6 Gundabad Berserker 15
Azog's Legion 3 War Bat 25
Azog's Legion 1 Gundabad Orc Warrior Banner , Shield , Spear 35
Azog's Legion 1 Goblin Mercenary Captain 50
Azog's Legion 9 Goblin Mercenary Pioche 5
General information
Le maître des lames's army
Lothlórien [40 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 21 Quartered (25% survivors) : 10
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Lothlórien11/3631%

Lothlórien 1 Galadriel 130
Lothlórien 3 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 3 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Banner , Shield , Spear 36
Lothlórien 1 Orophin 85
Lothlórien 4 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 3 Wood Elf Warrior Elf Bow , Wood Elf spear 11
Lothlórien 2 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Knight Elf Bow 20
Lothlórien 1 Rúmil 85
Lothlórien 4 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 3 Wood Elf Warrior Elf Bow , Wood Elf spear 11
Lothlórien 2 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Knight Elf Bow 20
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Captain 70
Lothlórien 4 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 3 Wood Elf Warrior Elf Bow , Wood Elf spear 11
Lothlórien 2 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
General information
Mike's army
Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm
Erebor Reclaimed , Halls of Thranduil , Survivors of Lake-town [42 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 22 Quartered (25% survivors) : 10
Number of Banner(s) : 2

Shooting models
Bow limit Survivors of Lake-town3/934%
Bow limit Erebor Reclaimed0/140%
Bow limit Halls of Thranduil6/1638%

Survivors of Lake-town 1 Lake-Town Militia Captain 40
Survivors of Lake-town 6 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Shield , Spear 7
Survivors of Lake-town 3 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Bow , Spear 7
Erebor Reclaimed 1 Thorin Oakenshield, King Under The Mountain War goat 125
Erebor Reclaimed 6 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
Erebor Reclaimed 1 Iron Hills Dwarf Banner , Spear 37
Erebor Reclaimed 7 Iron Hills Dwarf 11
Halls of Thranduil 1 Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm Heavy armour , Additional Elven-made sword 140
Halls of Thranduil 6 Palace Guard Shield , Spear 14
Halls of Thranduil 1 Palace Guard Banner , Shield , Spear 39
Halls of Thranduil 2 Mirkwood Cavalry Shield 17
Halls of Thranduil 6 Mirkwood Elf Elf Bow , Elven Glaive 13
Halls of Thranduil 1 Mirkwood Elf Elven Glaive 11
General information
Mr Thyn’n's army
Legolas Greenleaf, Prince Of Mirkwood
Rangers of Mirkwood [39 Models, 791 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 20 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit Rangers of Mirkwood36/36100%

Rangers of Mirkwood 1 Legolas Greenleaf, Prince Of Mirkwood Elven cloak 100
Rangers of Mirkwood 1 Wood Elf Sentinel 25
Rangers of Mirkwood 14 Mirkwood Ranger 14
Rangers of Mirkwood 1 Tauriel 90
Rangers of Mirkwood 10 Mirkwood Ranger 14
Rangers of Mirkwood 1 Wood Elf Sentinel 25
Rangers of Mirkwood 1 Mirkwood Ranger Captain 75
Rangers of Mirkwood 10 Mirkwood Ranger 14
General information
Radec's army
Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Minas Tirith , Rohan [38 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 20 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Minas Tirith9/3030%
Bow limit Rohan0/30%

Minas Tirith 1 Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower The Banner of Minas Tirith , Shield , Horse 215
Minas Tirith 7 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 3 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11
Minas Tirith 4 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith 1 Madril, Captain Of Ithilien 55
Minas Tirith 1 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith 4 Ranger Of Gondor 8
Rohan 1 Théodred, Heir Of Rohan Shield , Horse 95
Rohan 3 Rohan Royal Guard Horse 15
Minas Tirith 1 Irolas, Captain Of The Guard 65
Minas Tirith 4 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 4 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Minas Tirith 1 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11
Minas Tirith 0 Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet 80
Minas Tirith 1 Siege Veteran - Warrior Of Minas Tirith 0
Minas Tirith 2 Siege Crew - Warrior Of Minas Tirith 0
General information
Sansi's army
Arnor , Halls of Thranduil , Misty Mountains , Kingdom of Moria [36 Models, 797 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 19 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Arnor4/1137%
Bow limit Halls of Thranduil0/10%
Bow limit Kingdom of Moria2/1911%

Misty Mountains 1 Gwaihir 150
Arnor 1 Arvedui, Last King Of Arnor 80
Arnor 4 Hobbit Archer 5
Arnor 7 Warrior Of Arnor 8
Halls of Thranduil 1 Legolas Greenleaf, Prince Of Mirkwood Horse 105
Halls of Thranduil 1 Mirkwood Cavalry Shield 17
Kingdom of Moria 1 Dwarf King 75
Kingdom of Moria 1 Dwarf Warrior Banner , Shield 34
Kingdom of Moria 8 Khazâd Guard 11
Kingdom of Moria 1 Dwarf King 75
Kingdom of Moria 6 Dwarf Warrior Shield 9
Kingdom of Moria 1 Vault Warden Team - Iron Shield 25
Kingdom of Moria 1 Vault Warden Team - Foespear 0
Kingdom of Moria 2 Dwarf Warrior Dwarf Bow 9
General information
Zeddicus's army
Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm
Halls of Thranduil , Survivors of Lake-town [42 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 22 Quartered (25% survivors) : 10
Number of Banner(s) : 2

Shooting models
Bow limit Halls of Thranduil1/264%
Bow limit Survivors of Lake-town2/1217%

Halls of Thranduil 1 Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm Heavy armour , Additional Elven-made sword 140
Halls of Thranduil 2 Palace Guard Shield 13
Halls of Thranduil 3 Palace Guard Shield , Spear 14
Halls of Thranduil 3 Mirkwood Elf Shield 10
Halls of Thranduil 3 Mirkwood Elf Elven Glaive 11
Halls of Thranduil 1 Mirkwood Elf Banner 34
Halls of Thranduil 1 Tauriel 85
Halls of Thranduil 10 Mirkwood Elf Shield 10
Halls of Thranduil 1 Mirkwood Elf Banner 34
Halls of Thranduil 1 Legolas Greenleaf, Prince Of Mirkwood Horse 105
Halls of Thranduil 2 Mirkwood Cavalry Shield 17
Halls of Thranduil 1 Wood Elf Sentinel 25
Survivors of Lake-town 1 Lake-Town Militia Captain 40
Survivors of Lake-town 10 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Spear 6
Survivors of Lake-town 2 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Bow 6