General information
Allumette's army
Mordor Troll Chieftain (Leader)
The Black Gate Opens [29 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 15 Quartered (25% survivors) : 7
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit The Black Gate Opens7/2726%

The Black Gate Opens 1 Mordor Troll Chieftain (Leader) 140
The Black Gate Opens 2 Mordor Troll 100
The Black Gate Opens 1 Orc Warrior Banner 30
The Black Gate Opens 6 Orc Warrior Shield 6
The Black Gate Opens 6 Orc Warrior Spear 6
The Black Gate Opens 1 Orc Captain 40
The Black Gate Opens 7 Orc Warrior Orc Bow 6
The Black Gate Opens 3 Orc Warrior Two-handed weapon 6
The Black Gate Opens 1 Mordor Troll 100
The Black Gate Opens 1 Morannon Orc Shield 8
General information
Arag's army
Azog's Hunters [50 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 26 Quartered (25% survivors) : 12
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Azog's Hunters23/4650%

Azog's Hunters 1 Narzug 50
Azog's Hunters 8 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 3 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Hunter Orc Fell Warg 16
Azog's Hunters 1 Fimbul The Hunter Fell Warg 60
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Hunter Orc Two-Handed pick 9
Azog's Hunters 1 Fell Warg 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Yazneg Lance , Fell Warg 60
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Hunter Orc Banner 33
Azog's Hunters 1 Fell Warg 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Hunter Orc Captain Fell Warg 55
Azog's Hunters 5 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 4 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Fell Warg 8
General information
AzorAhai's army
The Witch-King Of Angmar
Angmar [38 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 20 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Angmar0/350%

Angmar 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:14 F:3) The Crown of Morgul , Fell Beast 195
Angmar 2 Dead Marsh Spectre 15
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Banner , Spear 31
Angmar 6 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Angmar 1 Werewolf 25
Angmar 1 The Shadow of Rhudaur 80
Angmar 1 Dead Marsh Spectre 15
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Angmar 1 Werewolf 25
Angmar 1 Shade 75
Angmar 4 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Angmar 4 Angmar Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
General information
Borgrimm's army
Balin The Dwarf, King Of Moria
Kingdom of Moria [33 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 17 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit Kingdom of Moria6/2822%

Kingdom of Moria 1 Balin The Dwarf, King Of Moria 110
Kingdom of Moria 4 Khazâd Guard 11
Kingdom of Moria 3 Dwarf Warrior Shield 9
Kingdom of Moria 2 Iron Guard 15
Kingdom of Moria 2 Dwarf Ranger Dwarf Long Bow 9
Kingdom of Moria 1 King’S Champion 140
Kingdom of Moria 2 Herald 0
Kingdom of Moria 3 Dwarf Warrior Shield 9
Kingdom of Moria 2 Iron Guard 15
Kingdom of Moria 3 Khazâd Guard 11
Kingdom of Moria 2 Dwarf Ranger Dwarf Long Bow 9
Kingdom of Moria 1 Gimli Son Of Glóin 100
Kingdom of Moria 2 Dwarf Ranger Dwarf Long Bow 9
Kingdom of Moria 2 Dwarf Warrior Shield 9
Kingdom of Moria 1 Iron Guard 15
Kingdom of Moria 2 Khazâd Guard 11
General information
Dolrudir's army
Théodred, Heir Of Rohan
Lothlórien , Rohan [24 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 13 Quartered (25% survivors) : 6
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Rohan0/60%
Bow limit Lothlórien0/120%

Rohan 1 Théodred, Heir Of Rohan Shield , Horse 95
Rohan 1 Rohan Royal Guard Horse 15
Lothlórien 1 Rúmil 85
Lothlórien 5 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Lothlórien 6 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
Lothlórien 1 Wood Elf Warrior Banner 33
Rohan 1 Háma, Captain Of Rohan Shield 60
Rohan 1 Gamling, Captain Of Rohan 55
Rohan 4 Rohan Royal Guard 10
Rohan 1 Dernhelm 75
Rohan 0 Dernhelm - Éowyn, Shield Maiden Of Rohan
Rohan 1 Dernhelm - Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight Of The Mark 0
Rohan 1 Elfhelm, Captain Of Rohan 65
General information
Gensho's army
The Witch-King Of Angmar
Mordor [40 Models, 649 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 21 Quartered (25% survivors) : 10
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Mordor0/270%

Mordor 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:12 F:3) Horse , The Crown of Morgul 145
Mordor 5 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor 5 Morannon Orc Spear 8
Mordor 5 Warg Rider Shield 12
Mordor 1 Great Beast Of Gorgoroth With Orc Commander 150
Mordor 1 Orc Commander (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor 9 Orc Warrior (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor 1 Ringwraith (M:2 W:8 F:2) Horse 90
Mordor 6 Morannon Orc Shield 8
Mordor 5 Morannon Orc Spear 8
Mordor 1 Orc Warrior Banner , Spear 31
General information
Glaerdros's army
Suladân The Serpent Lord
Mordor , Serpent Horde [34 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 18 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit Mordor5/2918%
Bow limit Serpent Horde0/20%

Mordor 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:14 F:3) The Crown of Morgul , Fell Beast 195
Mordor 5 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor 4 Morannon Orc Hache, Shield , Spear 9
Mordor 1 Morannon Orc Hache, Shield 8
Mordor 1 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield , Spear 7
Mordor 3 Orc Tracker 5
Mordor 1 The Mouth Of Sauron Armoured horse 85
Mordor 4 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor 4 Morannon Orc Hache, Shield , Spear 9
Mordor 2 Morannon Orc Hache, Shield 8
Mordor 2 Orc Tracker 5
Mordor 2 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield , Spear 7
Mordor 1 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
Serpent Horde 1 Suladân The Serpent Lord Armoured horse 115
Serpent Horde 2 Serpent Rider 13
General information
Golfimbul's army
Isengard [34 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 18 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Isengard3/3010%

Isengard 1 Lurtz Shield 90
Isengard 1 Crebain 20
Isengard 1 Uruk-Hai Warrior Banner , Shield 35
Isengard 3 Uruk-Hai Berserker 15
Isengard 3 Uruk-Hai Warrior Shield 10
Isengard 6 Uruk-Hai Warrior Pike 10
Isengard 1 Gorûlf Ironskin 70
Isengard 1 Crebain 20
Isengard 2 Uruk-Hai Berserker 15
Isengard 2 Uruk-Hai Warrior Shield 10
Isengard 4 Uruk-Hai Warrior Pike 10
Isengard 1 Mauhúr 60
Isengard 3 Uruk-Hai Scout Uruk-Hai Bow 9
Isengard 2 Marauder Uruk-Haï Shield 10
Isengard 1 Sharku Shield , Warg 65
Isengard 2 Uruk-Hai Scout Shield 9
General information
Jaguar's army
Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm
Halls of Thranduil , Iron Hills [28 Models, 649 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 15 Quartered (25% survivors) : 7
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Halls of Thranduil4/1429%
Bow limit Iron Hills0/120%

Halls of Thranduil 1 Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm Heavy armour , Additional Elven-made sword 140
Halls of Thranduil 2 Mirkwood Cavalry Shield 17
Halls of Thranduil 4 Palace Guard Shield , Spear 14
Halls of Thranduil 1 Palace Guard Banner , Shield , Spear 39
Halls of Thranduil 3 Mirkwood Elf Shield 10
Halls of Thranduil 4 Mirkwood Elf Elf Bow , Elven Glaive 13
Iron Hills 1 Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills War boar 160
Iron Hills 6 Iron Hills Dwarf 11
Iron Hills 6 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
General information
Kaizereva's army
Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills
Iron Hills [24 Models, 644 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 13 Quartered (25% survivors) : 6
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit Iron Hills6/2129%

Iron Hills 1 Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills War boar 160
Iron Hills 6 Iron Hills Goat Rider 20
Iron Hills 0 Iron Hills Ballista Superior Construction (Siege Engines) 140
Iron Hills 1 Siege Veteran - Iron Hills Dwarf 0
Iron Hills 3 Siege Crew - Iron Hills Dwarf 0
Iron Hills 1 Iron Hills Captain 80
Iron Hills 6 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
Iron Hills 6 Iron Hills Dwarf Swap Shield for Crossbow 12
General information
Keldael's army
Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills
Iron Hills [32 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 17 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Iron Hills6/3020%

Iron Hills 1 Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills War boar 160
Iron Hills 4 Iron Hills Dwarf 11
Iron Hills 8 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
Iron Hills 3 Iron Hills Dwarf Swap Shield for Crossbow , Spear 13
Iron Hills 1 Iron Hills Dwarf Banner , Spear 37
Iron Hills 2 Iron Hills Goat Rider 20
Iron Hills 1 Iron Hills Captain War goat 90
Iron Hills 3 Iron Hills Dwarf 11
Iron Hills 6 Iron Hills Dwarf Spear 12
Iron Hills 3 Iron Hills Dwarf Swap Shield for Crossbow , Spear 13
General information
L£ït0's army
Théodred, Heir Of Rohan
Théodred's Guard [39 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 20 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Théodred's Guard7/3620%

Théodred's Guard 1 Théodred, Heir Of Rohan Shield , Horse 95
Théodred's Guard 2 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Théodred's Guard 5 Helmingas Hache, Shield , Throwing spears 10
Théodred's Guard 4 Rohan Royal Guard Throwing spears 12
Théodred's Guard 1 Rohan Outrider Horse 13
Théodred's Guard 1 Grimbold Of Grimslade 60
Théodred's Guard 4 Helmingas Hache, Shield , Throwing spears 10
Théodred's Guard 4 Rohan Royal Guard Throwing spears 12
Théodred's Guard 3 Rohan Outrider 8
Théodred's Guard 1 Helmingas Hache, Banner , Throwing spears 34
Théodred's Guard 1 Elfhelm, Captain Of Rohan Horse 75
Théodred's Guard 4 Helmingas Hache, Shield , Throwing spears 10
Théodred's Guard 4 Rohan Royal Guard Throwing spears 12
Théodred's Guard 3 Rohan Outrider 8
Théodred's Guard 1 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
General information
Mordorire's army
Denethor Steward Of Gondor
Halls of Thranduil , Minas Tirith , Misty Mountains , Rohan [34 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 18 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Minas Tirith8/2730%
Bow limit Rohan0/30%

Minas Tirith 1 Denethor Steward Of Gondor 35
Minas Tirith 6 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 3 Citadel Guard 9
Minas Tirith 2 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11
Minas Tirith 3 Ranger Of Gondor 8
Minas Tirith 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith 7
Minas Tirith 1 Irolas, Captain Of The Guard 65
Minas Tirith 6 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Banner , Shield 33
Minas Tirith 5 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Misty Mountains 1 Gwaihir 150
Rohan 1 Théodred, Heir Of Rohan Shield , Horse 95
Rohan 3 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
General information
Psykw’Ôz's army
Númenor , Rivendell [36 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 19 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Númenor0/90%
Bow limit Rivendell5/2421%

Númenor 1 Isildur The One Ring , Shield , Horse 135
Númenor 6 Warrior Of Númenor Shield 9
Númenor 3 Warrior Of Númenor Shield , Spear 10
Rivendell 1 Gildor Inglorion 70
Rivendell 3 Wood Elf Warrior, Noldorin Exile Elf Bow 11
Rivendell 2 Wood Elf Warrior, Noldorin Exile Wood Elf spear 10
Rivendell 4 High Elf Warrior Shield 10
Rivendell 3 High Elf Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Rivendell 1 Erestor 85
Rivendell 5 High Elf Warrior Shield 10
Rivendell 4 High Elf Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Rivendell 1 High Elf Warrior Banner 34
Rivendell 2 High Elf Warrior Elf Bow 11
General information
Raph's army
The Beornings [14 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 8 Quartered (25% survivors) : 3
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit The Beornings4/1234%

The Beornings 1 Beorn 200
The Beornings 0 Beorn The Bear
The Beornings 4 Beorning Swap weapon (Masse) 21
The Beornings 2 Beorning Swap weapon (Masse), Swap Hand-and-a-half Axe for Great Bow 21
The Beornings 1 Grimbeorn 200
The Beornings 0 Grimbeorn The Bear
The Beornings 4 Beorning Swap weapon (Masse) 21
The Beornings 2 Beorning Swap Hand-and-a-half Axe for Great Bow 20
General information
Romain's army
Uglúk's Scouts [48 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 25 Quartered (25% survivors) : 12
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Uglúk's Scouts15/4335%

Uglúk's Scouts 1 65
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Drummer 35
Uglúk's Scouts 5 Marauder Uruk-Haï Shield 9
Uglúk's Scouts 5 Marauder Uruk-Haï Uruk-Hai Bow 9
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Scout Captain Uruk-Hai Bow 60
Uglúk's Scouts 6 Marauder Uruk-Haï Shield 9
Uglúk's Scouts 5 Marauder Uruk-Haï Uruk-Hai Bow 9
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Grishnákh, Orc Captain 50
Uglúk's Scouts 10 Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Orc Warrior Banner , Shield , Spear 32
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Mauhúr 60
Uglúk's Scouts 6 Marauder Uruk-Haï Shield 9
Uglúk's Scouts 5 Marauder Uruk-Haï Uruk-Hai Bow 9
General information
rr-lagachette's army
Uglúk's Scouts [50 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 26 Quartered (25% survivors) : 12
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Uglúk's Scouts15/4435%

Uglúk's Scouts 1 65
Uglúk's Scouts 12 Marauder Uruk-Haï Uruk-Hai Bow 9
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Grishnákh, Orc Captain Shield 55
Uglúk's Scouts 11 Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield , Spear 7
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Mauhúr 60
Uglúk's Scouts 3 Marauder Uruk-Haï Uruk-Hai Bow 9
Uglúk's Scouts 4 Marauder Uruk-Haï Shield 9
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Marauder Uruk-Haï Banner , Shield 34
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Uruk-Hai Drummer 35
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Orc Captain Pioche, Shield 45
Uglúk's Scouts 12 Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
Uglúk's Scouts 1 Orc Captain Pioche 40
General information
Schropff's army
Thorin Oakenshield
Thorin's Company [11 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 6 Quartered (25% survivors) : 2
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models

Thorin's Company 1 Thorin Oakenshield Orcrist 110
Thorin's Company 1 Ori The Dwarf 40
Thorin's Company 1 Bilbo Baggins The One Ring , Sting 65
Thorin's Company 1 Dori The Dwarf 55
Thorin's Company 1 Balin The Dwarf 40
Thorin's Company 1 Óin The Dwarf 45
Thorin's Company 1 Bifur The Dwarf 45
Thorin's Company 1 Nori The Dwarf 55
Thorin's Company 1 Dwalin The Dwarf 95
Thorin's Company 1 Fíli The Dwarf 50
Thorin's Company 1 Kíli The Dwarf 50
General information
Telril's army
Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm
Halls of Thranduil [24 Models, 645 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 13 Quartered (25% survivors) : 6
Number of Banner(s) : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit Halls of Thranduil1/215%

Halls of Thranduil 1 Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm Heavy armour , Additional Elven-made sword , Elk 160
Halls of Thranduil 5 Palace Guard Shield 13
Halls of Thranduil 6 Palace Guard Shield , Spear 14
Halls of Thranduil 1 Tauriel Elf Bow 90
Halls of Thranduil 4 Mirkwood Ranger 14
Halls of Thranduil 1 Wood Elf Sentinel 25
Halls of Thranduil 1 Legolas Greenleaf, Prince Of Mirkwood 95
Halls of Thranduil 5 Mirkwood Ranger 14
General information
Tianou's army
Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Minas Tirith [35 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 18 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Minas Tirith9/3229%

Minas Tirith 1 Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower The Banner of Minas Tirith , Shield , Horse 215
Minas Tirith 2 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11
Minas Tirith 6 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 2 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Minas Tirith 4 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith 1 Húrin The Tall, Warden Of The Keys Horse 90
Minas Tirith 2 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11
Minas Tirith 6 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 2 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Minas Tirith 4 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith 1 Madril, Captain Of Ithilien 55
Minas Tirith 1 Knight Of Minas Tirith Shield 14
Minas Tirith 1 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 1 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11