General information | |
[Primary Force] Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark [Secondary Force] / |
Kingdom of Rohan [5 Models, 148 pts - [Primary Force] 148 pts | [Secondary Force] 0 pts] | |
Break Point (number of casualties) : 3 | Quartered (25% survivors) : 1 |
Number of Banner(s) : 0 |
Shooting models | ||
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Kingdom of Rohan | 4/4 | 100% |
Throwing Weapon Limit [Force Primaire] Kingdom of Rohan | 0/4 | 0% |
Kingdom of Rohan | Primary Force | 1 | Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark | Shield , Throwing spears | 120 |
Kingdom of Rohan | Primary Force | 4 | Warrior of Rohan | Bow | 7 |