General information
Shaka's army
[Primary Force] Le Roi Gobelin
[Secondary Force] Bill le Troll
Goblin-town , The Trolls [47 Models, 800 pts - [Primary Force] 400 pts | [Secondary Force] 400 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 24 Quartered (25% survivors) : 11
Number of banner : 0

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Gobelinville0/400%

Goblin-town Primary Force 1 The Goblin King 130
Goblin-town Primary Force 1 Gollum 35
Goblin-town Primary Force 17 Goblin Warrior Pioche 4
Goblin-town Primary Force 1 Grinnah 40
Goblin-town Primary Force 12 Goblin Warrior Pioche 4
Goblin-town Primary Force 1 Goblin Captain Pioche 35
Goblin-town Primary Force 11 Goblin Warrior Pioche 4
The Trolls Secondary Force 1 Bill The Troll Fourchette (compte comme une Dague) 150
The Trolls Secondary Force 1 Bert The Troll Couteau (compte comme une Dague) 130
The Trolls Secondary Force 1 Tom The Troll Gourdin 120