General information
Aranwë's army
Lothlórien , Rohan [29 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 15 Quartered (25% survivors) : 7

Shooting models
Bow limit Lothlórien8/2335%
Bow limit Rohan0/20%

Lothlórien 1 Orophin 85
Lothlórien 3 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Lothlórien 2 Galadhrim Warrior Elf Bow , Spear 12
Lothlórien 1 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Banner , Shield 10
Lothlórien 1 Haldir Elf Bow , Heavy armour 85
Lothlórien 2 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Elf Bow , Spear 12
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Lothlórien 2 Wood Elf Warrior Elf Bow , Wood Elf spear 11
Lothlórien 1 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
Lothlórien 1 Wood Elf Sentinel 25
Lothlórien 1 Rúmil 85
Lothlórien 3 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Lothlórien 2 Galadhrim Warrior Elf Bow , Spear 12
Lothlórien 1 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
Rohan 1 Théodred, Heir Of Rohan Shield , Horse 95
Rohan 2 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
General information
Bababibel's army
Gothmog, Lieutenant Of Sauron
Army of Gothmog [36 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 19 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9

Shooting models
Bow limit Army of Gothmog6/3219%

Army of Gothmog 1 Gothmog, Lieutenant Of Sauron Shield , Warg 145
Army of Gothmog 8 Morannon Orc 7
Army of Gothmog 8 Orc Warrior Spear 6
Army of Gothmog 1 Orc Warrior Banner , Shield 6
Army of Gothmog 0 Mordor Warcatapult Severed Heads (Siege Engines) 165
Army of Gothmog 1 Veteran – Catapult Orc Warrior 0
Army of Gothmog 1 Crew - Mordor Troll 0
Army of Gothmog 2 Servant – Catapult Orc Warrior 0
Army of Gothmog 1 Orc Shaman Warg 60
Army of Gothmog 1 Goroth, Captain Of The Morannon 80
Army of Gothmog 6 Morannon Orc Shield 8
Army of Gothmog 6 Orc Warrior Orc Bow , Spear 7
General information
Druidito's army
The Mouth Of Sauron
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood , Mordor [34 Models, 649 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 18 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8

Shooting models
Bow limit Dark Denizens of Mirkwood0/40%
Bow limit Mordor2/268%

Dark Denizens of Mirkwood 1 The Spider Queen 115
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood 0 Broodling
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood 3 Fell Warg 8
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood 1 Bat Swarm 35
Mordor 1 The Mouth Of Sauron Armoured horse 85
Mordor 4 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor 3 Morannon Orc Shield , Spear 9
Mordor 1 Morannon Orc Banner , Shield , Spear 9
Mordor 1 Orc Tracker Warg 12
Mordor 1 Ringwraith (M:2 W:8 F:1) 75
Mordor 4 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor 4 Morannon Orc Shield , Spear 9
Mordor 1 Ringwraith (M:2 W:8 F:1) 75
Mordor 4 Black Númenórean 9
Mordor 4 Morannon Orc Shield , Spear 9
Mordor 1 Orc Tracker Warg 12
General information
FloSawada's army
Glorfindel, Lord Of The West
Battle of Fornost [32 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 17 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8

Shooting models
Bow limit Battle of Fornost2/297%

Battle of Fornost 1 Glorfindel, Lord Of The West Armour of Gondolin , Asfaloth 170
Battle of Fornost 5 High Elf Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Battle of Fornost 9 High Elf Warrior Shield 10
Battle of Fornost 1 Captain Of Minas Tirith Shield , Horse , Lance 70
Battle of Fornost 5 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Battle of Fornost 4 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Battle of Fornost 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Banner , Shield , Spear 9
Battle of Fornost 2 Ranger Of Arnor Spear 9
Battle of Fornost 1 Eärnur, Last King of Gondor Armoured horse , Lance 120
Battle of Fornost 3 Knight Of Minas Tirith Shield 14
General information
G0rbag's army
Razgûsh, War Leader Of The North
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood [40 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 21 Quartered (25% survivors) : 10

Shooting models
Bow limit The Fell Beings of Mirkwood6/3518%

The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 1 Razgûsh, War Leader Of The North 110
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 1 Bat Swarm 35
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 1 Orc Drummer 30
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 1 Orc Warrior Pioche, Banner , Shield 6
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 5 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 5 Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 2 Orc Tracker 5
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 1 Orc Captain Pioche, Shield , Warg 55
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 5 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 5 Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 2 Orc Tracker 5
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 1 Orc Shaman 50
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 2 Orc Tracker 5
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 2 Orc Warrior Pioche, Spear 6
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 2 Orc Warrior Pioche, Shield 6
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 1 The Spider Queen 115
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 1 Bat Swarm 35
The Fell Beings of Mirkwood 2 Giant Spider 20
General information
Golfimbul's army
The Witch-King Of Angmar
Angmar [45 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 23 Quartered (25% survivors) : 11

Shooting models
Bow limit Angmar0/410%

Angmar 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:13 F:2) Horse 120
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Shield 6
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Shield , Spear 7
Angmar 2 Werewolf 25
Angmar 1 Aldrac, Warlord of Carn Dûm 120
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Shield 6
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Shield , Spear 7
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Warrior Banner , Shield 6
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Captain Pioche, Shield , Warg 55
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Shield 6
Angmar 5 Angmar Orc Warrior Spear 6
Angmar 2 Angmar Warg Rider Shield 12
Angmar 1 Barrow-Wight 50
Angmar 2 Angmar Orc Warrior Shield 6
Angmar 3 Angmar Orc Warrior Spear 6
Angmar 1 Angmar Orc Warrior 5
General information
Jean Baptiste's army
The Wolves of Isengard [37 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 19 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9

Shooting models
Bow limit The Wolves of Isengard11/3334%

The Wolves of Isengard 1 Sharku Shield 65
The Wolves of Isengard 6 Warg Rider Shield , Throwing spears 13
The Wolves of Isengard 3 Warg Rider Orc Bow 12
The Wolves of Isengard 1 Warg Rider Banner , Shield 12
The Wolves of Isengard 1 Orc Shaman 60
The Wolves of Isengard 4 Warg Rider Shield , Throwing spears 13
The Wolves of Isengard 2 Warg Rider Orc Bow 12
The Wolves of Isengard 1 Orc Captain Shield 55
The Wolves of Isengard 6 Warg Rider Shield , Throwing spears 13
The Wolves of Isengard 3 Warg Rider Orc Bow 12
The Wolves of Isengard 1 Orc Captain Shield 55
The Wolves of Isengard 3 Warg Rider Orc Bow 12
The Wolves of Isengard 3 Warg Rider Shield , Throwing spears 13
The Wolves of Isengard 2 Warg Rider Throwing spears 12
General information
Marthammor's army
Lothlórien , Rohan [28 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 15 Quartered (25% survivors) : 7

Shooting models
Bow limit Lothlórien0/150%
Bow limit Rohan0/100%

Lothlórien 1 Galadriel 130
Lothlórien 7 Galadhrim Warrior Shield 10
Lothlórien 2 Galadhrim Warrior Shield , Spear 11
Lothlórien 4 Guard Of The Galadhrimcourt 12
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Banner , Spear 10
Lothlórien 1 Galadhrim Warrior Spear 10
Rohan 1 Théoden, King Of Rohan Heavy armour , Shield , Horse 95
Rohan 5 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Rohan 1 Théodred, Heir Of Rohan Shield , Horse 95
Rohan 5 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
General information
Monkeydpunky's army
Azog's Hunters [37 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 19 Quartered (25% survivors) : 9

Shooting models
Bow limit Azog's Hunters12/3337%

Azog's Hunters 1 Bolg Fell Warg 175
Azog's Hunters 2 Hunter Orc Fell Warg 16
Azog's Hunters 4 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 3 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 1 Hunter Orc Orc Bow , Fell Warg 17
Azog's Hunters 1 Hunter Orc Banner 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Fimbul The Hunter Fell Warg 60
Azog's Hunters 4 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 3 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 1 Fell Warg 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Narzug Fell Warg 60
Azog's Hunters 4 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 3 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
Azog's Hunters 1 Fell Warg 8
Azog's Hunters 1 Hunter Orc Captain Fell Warg 55
Azog's Hunters 4 Hunter Orc 8
Azog's Hunters 2 Hunter Orc Orc Bow 9
General information
Shiroi's army
Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm
Halls of Thranduil , Survivors of Lake-town [32 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 17 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8

Shooting models
Bow limit Halls of Thranduil3/1422%
Bow limit Survivors of Lake-town3/1520%

Halls of Thranduil 1 Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm Heavy armour , Additional Elven-made sword , The Circlet of Kings 165
Halls of Thranduil 7 Mirkwood Elf Shield 10
Halls of Thranduil 1 Palace Guard Banner , Shield , Spear 14
Halls of Thranduil 2 Palace Guard Shield , Spear 14
Halls of Thranduil 3 Mirkwood Elf Elf Bow 11
Halls of Thranduil 1 Mirkwood Cavalry Shield 17
Survivors of Lake-town 1 Gandalf The Grey Horse 180
Survivors of Lake-town 4 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Shield 6
Survivors of Lake-town 3 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Shield , Spear 7
Survivors of Lake-town 1 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Bow , Spear 7
Survivors of Lake-town 1 Lake-Town Militia Captain Shield 45
Survivors of Lake-town 3 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Shield 6
Survivors of Lake-town 2 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Shield , Spear 7
Survivors of Lake-town 2 Lake-Town Militia Hache, Bow , Spear 7
General information
Sli's army
Great Beast Of Gorgoroth With Orc Commander
Mordor [44 Models, 647 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 23 Quartered (25% survivors) : 11

Shooting models
Bow limit Mordor2/923%

Mordor 1 Great Beast Of Gorgoroth With Orc Commander 150
Mordor 1 Orc Commander (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor 9 Orc Warrior (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor 1 Great Beast Of Gorgoroth With Orc Commander 150
Mordor 1 Orc Commander (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor 9 Orc Warrior (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor 1 Great Beast Of Gorgoroth With Orc Commander 150
Mordor 1 Orc Commander (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor 9 Orc Warrior (Gorgoroth Beast) 0
Mordor 1 Orc Shaman Warg 60
Mordor 2 Orc Tracker Warg 12
Mordor 1 Warg Rider Banner 11
Mordor 1 Gorbag, Orc Captain Shield 60
Mordor 3 Orc Warrior Spear 6
Mordor 3 Morannon Orc Shield 8
General information
Vincae's army
Gandalf The White
Minas Tirith [31 Models, 650 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 16 Quartered (25% survivors) : 7

Shooting models
Bow limit Minas Tirith9/2734%

Minas Tirith 1 Gandalf The White Shadowfax 240
Minas Tirith 4 Knight Of Minas Tirith Shield 14
Minas Tirith 2 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 1 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield , Spear 9
Minas Tirith 3 Guard Of The Fountaincourt Shield 11
Minas Tirith 1 Ingold, Warden Of The Rammas Echor 65
Minas Tirith 5 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Shield 8
Minas Tirith 1 Warrior Of Minas Tirith Banner 7
Minas Tirith 6 Ranger Of Gondor Spear 9
Minas Tirith 0 Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower Swift Reload (Siege Engines) 70
Minas Tirith 1 Siege Veteran - Warrior Of Minas Tirith 0
Minas Tirith 2 Siege Crew - Warrior Of Minas Tirith 0
Minas Tirith 1 Anborn, Ranger Of Ithilien 35
Minas Tirith 2 Ranger Of Gondor 8