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List of public Middle Earth SBG armies

Legendary Legion
Total Points
Number of Model
Top Army/FFTM Selection

Armée de Azghalin (500pts)

Regular Army Mordor
Leader Ringwraith
Points 500 pts
Number of Model 27 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 14 | 25% : 6
User   Azghâlin
Tournament Championnat des 4 saisons - Automne 2023

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Armée de Castellans (500pts)

Historical Allies Fiefdoms, Minas Tirith
Leader Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Points 500 pts
Number of Model 25 (2 Warbands) | 50% : 13 | 25% : 6
User   Castellans (#242)
Tournament Tournoi des Fiefs Méditerranéens, Ve édition

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Armée de Agmanur (800pts)

Convenient Allies Fangorn, Shire
Leader Treebeard
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 32 (7 Warbands) | 50% : 17 | 25% : 8
User   Agmanur (#440)
Tournament L'Eveil du Dragon - 3ème édition

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Armée de Gobelin_88 (996pts)

Convenient Allies Lothlórien, Minas Tirith, Rivendell
Leader Denethor Steward Of Gondor
Points 996 pts
Number of Model 56 (5 Warbands) | 50% : 29 | 25% : 14
User Gobelin
Tournament L'Eveil du Dragon - 3ème édition

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Armée de yramha (700pts)

Historical Allies Far Harad, Serpent Horde
Leader Suladân The Serpent Lord
Points 700 pts
Number of Model 37 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 19 | 25% : 9
User   yramha (#154)
Tournament Cair Andros VI

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Armée de Adoptazog.bolg (850pts)

Historical Allies Azog's Hunters, Azog's Legion
Leader Azog
Points 850 pts
Number of Model 40 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 21 | 25% : 10
User   Aira Mornie (#20)
Tournament Convention de l'ORM 2023

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Armée de Decalogus (995pts)

Legendary Legion The Defenders of Helm's Deep
Leader Théoden, King Of Rohan
Points 1000 pts
Number of Model 47 (5 Warbands) | 50% : 24 | 25% : 11
User   Decalogus (#36)
Tournament L'Eveil du Dragon - 3ème édition

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goblinvillle 1000pts

Regular Army Goblin-town
Leader The Goblin King
Points 966 pts
Number of Model 152 (8 Warbands) | 50% : 77 | 25% : 38
User   Shangeihli

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Armée de Gilldorc (600pts)

Historical Allies Minas Tirith, Rohan
Leader Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 27 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 14 | 25% : 6
User   Gilldorc (#35)
Tournament L'Eveil du Dragon - 3ème édition

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Armée de Glorfindel (800pts)

Legendary Legion The Host of the Dragon Emperor
Leader The Dragon Emperor Of Rhûn
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 44 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 23 | 25% : 11
User   Glorfindel (#72)
Tournament Qualifications en équipe aux championnats internationaux 2024

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Armée de Cube38 (700pts)

Historical Allies Númenor, Rivendell
Leader Isildur
Points 700 pts
Number of Model 30 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 16 | 25% : 7
User   cube (#79)
Tournament Cair Andros VI

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Armée de Keni (600pts)

Historical Allies Lothlórien, Rohan
Leader Haldir
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 35 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 18 | 25% : 8
User   Keni (#538)
Tournament Narquelie

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Le Serpent sans tête

Regular Army Isengard
Leader Saruman
Points 798 pts
Number of Model 45 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 23 | 25% : 11
User Namarcil

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Armée de Kroakaaris (600pts)

Legendary Legion The Beornings
Leader Beorn
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 12 (2 Warbands) | 50% : 7 | 25% : 3
User   Kroakaaris (#100)
Tournament L'Eveil du Dragon - 3ème édition

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Regular Army Kingdom of Moria
Leader Balin The Dwarf, King Of Moria
Points 777 pts
Number of Model 39 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 20 | 25% : 9
User Dragon AZULE

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mont du fer+ foncombe

Convenient Allies Iron Hills, Rivendell
Leader Elrond, Master Of Rivendell
Points 1000 pts
Number of Model 37 (2 Warbands) | 50% : 19 | 25% : 9
User   Shangeihli

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Équipe "L'anneau ira au gondor" - Alexis & Vivien CLONE

Regular Army Angmar
Leader The Witch-King Of Angmar
Points 1199 pts
Number of Model 64 (7 Warbands) | 50% : 33 | 25% : 16
User   Vivien
Tournament Ça ne compte quand même que pour un

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Armée de Thorongil (500pts)

Legendary Legion The Pits of Dol Guldur
Leader Azog
Points 500 pts
Number of Model 23 (2 Warbands) | 50% : 12 | 25% : 5
User   Thorongil (#17)
Tournament Tournoi des Fiefs Méditerranéens, Ve édition

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Armée de Parya (800pts)

Army List The Iron Hills
Leader Dáin Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 29 (2 Warbands) | 50% : 15 | 25% : 7
User   Parya
Tournament The Great MaW - Solo en 800 pts

Armée de Thelion_AOE (1000pts)

Legendary Legion The Beornings
Leader Beorn
Points 1000 pts
Number of Model 32 (2 Warbands) | 50% : 17 | 25% : 8
User   Thelion_AOE (#24)
Tournament L'Eveil du Dragon - 3ème édition

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Sélection Top Armée

Armée de Le Preux Shawn pour le Worlds Solo et les Qualif Masters de Le Preux Shawn

Regular Army Minas Tirith
Leader Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Points 650 pts
Number of Model 29 (6 Warbands) | 50% : 15 | 25% : 7
User   Barbecue (#15)

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Armée de Aira Mornie (700pts)

Convenient Allies Isengard, Serpent Horde
Leader Suladân The Serpent Lord
Points 700 pts
Number of Model 46 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 24 | 25% : 11
User   Aira Mornie (#20)
Tournament Cair Andros VI

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Armée de Edoras (700pts)

Historical Allies Rohan, Wildmen of Drúadan
Leader Éomer, Marshal Of The Riddermark
Points 700 pts
Number of Model 37 (5 Warbands) | 50% : 19 | 25% : 9
User   Edoras (#5)
Tournament Cair Andros VI

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Armée de Haltha (500pts)

Regular Army Azog's Legion
Leader Gundabad Orc Captain
Points 500 pts
Number of Model 19 (2 Warbands) | 50% : 10 | 25% : 4
User   Haltha (#480)
Tournament Championnat des 4 saisons - Automne 2023

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Armée de Amàndil Eremanth (700pts)

Regular Army Minas Tirith
Leader Gandalf The White
Points 700 pts
Number of Model 38 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 20 | 25% : 9
User   Amàndil Eremanth (#6)
Tournament Tournoi LSDA 700 pts LORIENT

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Armée de McSonar (700pts)

Historical Allies Númenor, Rivendell
Leader Gildor Inglorion
Points 700 pts
Number of Model 37 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 19 | 25% : 9
User   McSonar
Tournament Cair Andros VI

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Armée de Le Dernier Espoir (1200pts)

Historical Allies Númenor, Rivendell
Leader Gil-Galad, High King Of The Elves
Points 1200 pts
Number of Model 59 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 30 | 25% : 14
User   Castellans (#242)
Tournament Ça ne compte quand même que pour un

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Armée de GoodBeer (800pts)

Regular Army Isengard
Leader Saruman
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 38 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 20 | 25% : 9
User   GoodBeer (#4)
Tournament L'Eveil du Dragon - 3ème édition

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Armée de Charby (700pts)

Historical Allies Fiefdoms, Minas Tirith, Rohan
Leader Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Points 700 pts
Number of Model 32 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 17 | 25% : 8
User   Charby (#196)
Tournament Cair Andros VI

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Armée de Uhtreddd (800pts)

Historical Allies Mordor, Serpent Horde
Leader Suladân The Serpent Lord
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 50 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 26 | 25% : 12
User   Uhtreddd (#280)
Tournament Noel en terre du milieu!

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