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List of public Middle Earth SBG armies

Legendary Legion
Total Points
Number of Model
Top Army/FFTM Selection

Armée de rr-lagachette (600pts)

Legendary Legion Lurtz's Scouts
Leader Lurtz
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 42 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 22 | 25% : 10
User   rr-lagachette (#43)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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moria gobz nuée sans équipements

Regular Army Moria
Leader Durbûrz The Goblin King Of Moria
Points 603 pts
Number of Model 84 (7 Warbands) | 50% : 43 | 25% : 21
User   Teclys

« Neirda » Lothlorien 600pts CLONE

Historical Allies Fellowship, Lothlórien
Leader Galadriel
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 30 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 16 | 25% : 7
User   Neirda (#496)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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moria gobz

Regular Army Moria
Leader Durbûrz The Goblin King Of Moria
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 70 (6 Warbands) | 50% : 36 | 25% : 17
User   Teclys

Armée de Barberousse (796pts)

Historical Allies Army of Thrór, Iron Hills
Leader Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills
Points 796 pts
Number of Model 43 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 22 | 25% : 10
User   Barberousse (#550)
Tournament Une Ombre à l’Est III

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Armée de GoodBeer (600pts)

Legendary Legion Host of the Witch-King
Leader The Witch-King Of Angmar
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 36 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 19 | 25% : 9
User   GoodBeer (#4)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de LURTZ37 (599pts)

Regular Army Moria
Leader Durbûrz The Goblin King Of Moria
Points 599 pts
Number of Model 40 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 21 | 25% : 10
User   LURTZ37 (#110)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Bouyacka (800pts)

Convenient Allies Khazad-dûm, Lothlórien
Leader Galadriel
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 43 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 22 | 25% : 10
User   Bouyacka
Tournament Les Anneaux des Squigs

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Armée de Valten pied d'acier (796pts)

Regular Army Iron Hills
Leader Dáin Ironfoot, Lord Of The Iron Hills
Points 796 pts
Number of Model 34 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 18 | 25% : 8
User   Valten pied d'acier (#403)
Tournament Une Ombre à l’Est III

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invasion du gondor

Regular Army Isengard
Leader Lurtz
Points 1127 pts
Number of Model 48 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 25 | 25% : 12
User palpa

Armée de Cogliostro (600pts)

Historical Allies Halls of Thranduil, Survivors of Lake-town
Leader Thranduil, King Of The Woodland Realm
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 31 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 16 | 25% : 7
User   Cogliostro (#515)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Le Preux Shawn (800pts)

Legendary Legion Riders of Théoden
Leader Théoden, King Of Rohan
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 14 (8 Warbands) | 50% : 8 | 25% : 3
User   Le Preux Shawn (#10)

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Armée de Le Preux Shawn (800pts)

Historical Allies Mordor, Serpent Horde
Leader Suladân The Serpent Lord
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 48 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 25 | 25% : 12
User   Le Preux Shawn (#10)

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Armée de Le Preux Shawn (800pts)

Regular Army Angmar
Leader The Witch-King Of Angmar
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 40 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 21 | 25% : 10
User   Le Preux Shawn (#10)

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Armée copiée - Armée de Ewald (800pts)

Convenient Allies Dark Denizens of Mirkwood, Mordor, Moria
Leader Durbûrz The Goblin King Of Moria
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 41 (5 Warbands) | 50% : 21 | 25% : 10
User   Fingol (#8)

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Armée de Marthammor (675pts)

Historical Allies Lothlórien, Rohan
Leader Galadriel
Points 650 pts
Number of Model 28 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 15 | 25% : 7
User   Marthammor (#514)
Tournament Convention de l'ORM 13iéme édition MESBG

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LL Assaillants du Gouffre Bombe Double Baliste CLONE

Legendary Legion Assault Upon Helm's Deep
Leader Uruk-Haï Captain (Leader)
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 33 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 17 | 25% : 8
User   Ar-Mandô (#7)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Hammer_Head (800pts)

Convenient Allies Lothlórien, Númenor
Leader Elendil, High King Of Gondor And Arnor
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 41 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 21 | 25% : 10
User   Hammer_Head (#144)
Tournament Tom est le maître II

Thionville CLONE

Legendary Legion Battle of Fornost
Leader Eärnur, Last King of Gondor
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 38 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 20 | 25% : 9
User   Aristauchat (#118)
Tournament Une Ombre à l’Est III

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Armée de Uhtreddd (600pts)

Regular Army Minas Tirith
Leader Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 32 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 17 | 25% : 8
User   Uhtreddd (#280)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Meltam (600pts)

Historical Allies Mordor, Serpent Horde
Leader The Witch-King Of Angmar
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 36 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 19 | 25% : 9
User   Meltam (#55)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Mulot (600pts)

Legendary Legion The Black Riders
Leader The Witch-King Of Angmar
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 7 (7 Warbands) | 50% : 4 | 25% : 1
User   Mulot (#342)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Aira Mornie (600pts)

Historical Allies Mordor, Serpent Horde
Leader Suladân The Serpent Lord
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 38 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 20 | 25% : 9
User   Aira Mornie (#20)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Shuun (600pts)

Legendary Legion The Breaking of the Fellowship
Leader Aragorn – Strider
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 8 (1 Warband) | 50% : 5 | 25% : 2
User   Shuun (#478)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Gilldorc (600pts)

Historical Allies Minas Tirith, Rohan
Leader Aragorn, King Elessar
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 22 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 12 | 25% : 5
User   Gilldorc (#35)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Tomahawk21 (799pts)

Legendary Legion The Wolves of Isengard
Leader Sharku
Points 799 pts
Number of Model 45 (5 Warbands) | 50% : 23 | 25% : 11
User   Tomahawk21 (#63)
Tournament Tom est le maître II

Armée de Smokeseller (600pts)

Legendary Legion Lurtz's Scouts
Leader Lurtz
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 40 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 21 | 25% : 10
User   Smokeseller (#143)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de Pims (600pts)

Regular Army Minas Tirith
Leader Boromir, Captain Of The White Tower
Points 600 pts
Number of Model 32 (3 Warbands) | 50% : 17 | 25% : 8
User Pims (#237)
Tournament Rencontre en Terre du Milieu - 15ème édition

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Armée de ALI (800pts)

Historical Allies Númenor, Rivendell
Leader Isildur
Points 800 pts
Number of Model 40 (4 Warbands) | 50% : 21 | 25% : 10
User   ALI (#52)
Tournament Une Ombre à l’Est III

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Numénor + fondcombe 2v2 plus nombreuse CLONE

Historical Allies Númenor, Rivendell
Leader Elendil, High King Of Gondor And Arnor
Points 1200 pts - Primary Force : 600 pts | Secondary Force : 600 pts
Number of Model 58 (6 Warbands) | 50% : 30 | 25% : 14
User   Gazpashow (#354)
Tournament Tournoi 2V2 Occitanie 2024

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