General information
Eorl's army
Legions of Mordor [44 Models, 748 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 23 Quartered (25% survivors) : 11
Number of Banner(s) : 1

Shooting models
Bow limit Legions of Mordor5/4013%
Throwing Weapon Limit Legions of Mordor0/400%

Legions of Mordor 1 Ringwraith 170
Legions of Mordor 6 Morannon Orc Warrior Shield and Spear 10
Legions of Mordor 6 Morannon Orc Warrior Shield 9
Legions of Mordor 1 Guritz, Master of Reserves 65
Legions of Mordor 8 Morannon Orc Warrior Shield and Spear 10
Legions of Mordor 4 Morannon Orc Warrior Shield 9
Legions of Mordor 1 Easterling Captain 60
Legions of Mordor 10 Easterling Warrior Easterling Halberd and shield 10
Legions of Mordor 1 Easterling Warrior Banner 33
Legions of Mordor 1 Haradrim Chieftain Bow 55
Legions of Mordor 5 Haradrim Warrior Bow 7