General information
Verratti's army
Meriadoc, Captain Of The Shire
The Defenders of the Shire [71 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 36 Quartered (25% survivors) : 17

Shooting models
Bow limit The Defenders of the Shire15/5727%

The Defenders of the Shire 1 Meriadoc, Captain Of The Shire Shield , Pony 55
The Defenders of the Shire 15 Battlin’ Brandybucks 5
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Peregrin, Captain Of The Shire Shield , Pony 55
The Defenders of the Shire 15 Tookish Hunter 6
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Frodo Of The Nine Fingers Pony 65
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Samwise The Brave Pony 50
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Rosie Cotton 15
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Robin Smallburrow, Hobbit Shirriff 20
The Defenders of the Shire 12 Hobbit Shirriff 5
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Holfoot Bracegirdle, Shirriff-Leader 30
The Defenders of the Shire 12 Hobbit Shirriff 5
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Folco Boffin 20
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Will Whitfoot, Mayor Of Hobbiton 30
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Farmer Tolman Cotton 35
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Farmer Maggot 45
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Grip 0
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Fang 0
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Wolf 0
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Hamfast ‘Gaffer’ Gamgee 30
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Baldo Tulpenny 40
The Defenders of the Shire 1 Paladin Took 25