General information | |
rr-lagachette's army | |
The Goblin King | |
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood , Goblin-town , Moria [72 Models, 800 pts] | |
Break Point (number of casualties) : 37 | Quartered (25% survivors) : 18 |
Shooting models | ||
Bow limit Goblin-town | 0/35 | 0% |
Bow limit Moria | 0/27 | 0% |
Bow limit Dark Denizens of Mirkwood | 0/3 | 0% |
Goblin-town | 1 | The Goblin King | 130 | |
Goblin-town | 1 | Gollum | 35 | |
Goblin-town | 17 | Goblin Warrior | Pioche | 4 |
Moria | 1 | Durbûrz The Goblin King Of Moria | 70 | |
Moria | 7 | Moria Goblin Warrior | Shield | 5 |
Moria | 8 | Moria Goblin Warrior | Spear | 5 |
Moria | 1 | Ashrâk | 55 | |
Moria | 6 | Moria Goblin Warrior | Shield | 5 |
Moria | 6 | Moria Goblin Warrior | Spear | 5 |
Goblin-town | 1 | Grinnah | 40 | |
Goblin-town | 12 | Goblin Warrior | Pioche | 4 |
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood | 1 | The Spider Queen | 115 | |
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood | 0 | Broodling | ||
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood | 3 | Fell Warg | 8 | |
Goblin-town | 1 | Goblin Mercenary Captain | 50 | |
Goblin-town | 6 | Goblin Mercenary | Pioche | 5 |