General information
GrumpyGrizzly's army
Helm Hammerhand
Helm's Guard [33 Models, 799 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 17 Quartered (25% survivors) : 8

Shooting models
Bow limit Helm's Guard10/2836%

Helm's Guard 1 Helm Hammerhand Horse 175
Helm's Guard 1 Rohan Royal Guard Banner , Horse 40
Helm's Guard 7 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Helm's Guard 1 Captain Of Rohan Horse 55
Helm's Guard 5 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Helm's Guard 1 Captain Of Rohan Shield , Horse 60
Helm's Guard 5 Rohan Royal Guard Horse , Throwing spears 17
Helm's Guard 1 King’s Huntsman 50
Helm's Guard 5 Rohan Outrider 8
Helm's Guard 1 King’s Huntsman 50
Helm's Guard 5 Rohan Outrider 8