General information
cm285's army
[Primary Force] Le Roi-Sorcier d’Angmar
[Secondary Force] /
Mordor [6 Models, 900 pts - Primary Force : 450 pts | Secondary Force : 450 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 4 Quartered (25% survivors) : 1

Shooting models

Mordor Primary Force 1 The Witch-King Of Angmar (M:3 W:11 F:3) The Crown of Morgul , Fell Beast 180
Mordor Primary Force 1 Ringwraith (M:2 W:9 F:2) Fell Beast 135
Mordor Primary Force 1 Ringwraith (M:2 W:9 F:2) Fell Beast 135
Mordor Secondary Force 1 The Undying Fell Beast 170
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Ringwraith (M:2 W:10 F:2) Fell Beast 140
Mordor Secondary Force 1 Ringwraith (M:2 W:10 F:2) Fell Beast 140