General information
[Primary Force] Beorn
[Secondary Force] /
The Beornings [26 Models, 898 pts - Primary Force : 449 pts | Secondary Force : 449 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 14 Quartered (25% survivors) : 6

Shooting models
Bow limit [Force Primaire] Les Gardiens du Carrock3/1225%
Bow limit [Force Secondaire] Les Gardiens du Carrock3/1225%

The Beornings Primary Force 1 Beorn 200
The Beornings Primary Force 3 Beorning Swap Hand-and-a-half Axe for Great Bow 20
The Beornings Primary Force 9 Beorning Swap weapon (Bâton) 21
The Beornings Secondary Force 1 Grimbeorn 200
The Beornings Secondary Force 0 Grimbeorn The Bear
The Beornings Secondary Force 9 Beorning Swap weapon (Bâton) 21
The Beornings Secondary Force 3 Beorning Swap Hand-and-a-half Axe for Great Bow 20
The Beornings Secondary Force 0 Beorn The Bear