General information | |
ALBIONE's army | |
The Goblin King | |
Goblin-town , The Trolls [7 Models, 650 pts] | |
Break Point (number of casualties) : 4 | Quartered (25% survivors) : 1 |
Shooting models |
Goblin-town | 1 | The Goblin King | 130 | |
Goblin-town | 1 | Gollum | 35 | |
Goblin-town | 1 | Goblin Captain | Pioche | 35 |
Goblin-town | 1 | Goblin Captain | Pioche | 35 |
The Trolls | 1 | Bert The Troll | Couteau (compte comme une Dague) | 130 |
The Trolls | 1 | Bill The Troll | Fourchette (compte comme une Dague), Campfire | 165 |
The Trolls | 1 | Tom The Troll | Cuillère (compte comme une Dague) | 120 |