General information
VedenFrozen's army
Gothmog, Lieutenant Of Sauron
Army of Gothmog [46 Models, 800 pts]
Break Point (number of casualties) : 24 Quartered (25% survivors) : 11

Shooting models
Bow limit Army of Gothmog0/410%

Army of Gothmog 1 Gothmog, Lieutenant Of Sauron Shield , Warg 145
Army of Gothmog 9 Morannon Orc Shield 8
Army of Gothmog 8 Morannon Orc Shield , Spear 9
Army of Gothmog 1 Morannon Orc Banner , Spear 33
Army of Gothmog 0 Mordor Warcatapult Severed Heads (Siege Engines) 165
Army of Gothmog 1 Siege Veteran - Orc Warrior 0
Army of Gothmog 4 Crew - Orc Warrior 2.5
Army of Gothmog 1 Crew - Mordor Troll 0
Army of Gothmog 1 Guritz, Master Of Reserves 60
Army of Gothmog 6 Morannon Orc Shield 8
Army of Gothmog 6 Morannon Orc Shield , Spear 9
Army of Gothmog 1 Orc Shaman Warg 60
Army of Gothmog 3 Morannon Orc Shield 8
Army of Gothmog 3 Morannon Orc Shield , Spear 9
Army of Gothmog 1 Orc Drummer 30